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AcroPower supplies amino acids that corals need to build their skeletal architecture. Like other cnidaria, corals have a special ability to uptake dissolved amino acids across their entire surface. Closed system aquariums with protein skimming and other ULN (ultra-low nutrient) filtration methods deplete amino acids that are vitally important for coral health. Corals become more colorful within days due to the extension of the growing margins when AcroPower is used. 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 L and 1 gal bottle.


Anemone Pellet

Developed to suit the passive feeding mechanisms of carnivorous anemones. These pellets mimic the larger particles of food or whole fish that would be captured by the stinging tentacles in the reef environment. They can be broken down for smaller anemones or fed whole to larger anemones.


Easyreef Easybooster

Liquid phytoplankton in single-dose bags that isĀ ready to use, easy and clean. Single-dose Easybooster is available inĀ 14 or 28 blister


LPS Coral Pellets

Developed to suit the direct feeding mechanisms of large polyp stony corals, which often live in deeper water and rely less on sunlight to meet their nutritional needs. The extra small size of these pellets make them ideal for those corals which trap suspended particulate matter, found naturally on coral reefs.

Recommended For

Goniopora, Fungia, Favia, Plerogyra, Euphyllia, Catalaphyllia, Lobophyllia, Galaxia.


Soft Coral Food

This micronized flake has particles ranging from approximately 100-400Āµm. It is designed to mimic the suspended particulate matter found naturally in seawater, which soft corals trap in their tentacles. The advanced blend of amino acids in the formulation encourages polyp extension, enabling you to witness your corals feeding as they would in the reef environment.


SPS Coral Food

This micronized flake with particles ranging approximately from 100-400Āµm is designed to mimic suspended particulate matter which corals trap in their polyps.

Research suggests that feeding may improve the photosynthesis rate, increasing Zooxanthellae numbers within the coral. These convert the energy from sunlight into chemical energy required for growth.

  • Specially formulated to stimulate a natural feeding response
  • Unique micronized flake formulation
  • Improved water quality
  • Natural, sustainably sourced ingredients

ZoPlan™ Advanced ZooPlankton Diet

ZoPlan is a blend of dried crustaceans and other sea creatures in a size range that makes an ideal food for marine invertebrates such as soft and stony corals, seafans, anemones, zoanthids, clams, scallops, featherduster worms, and other filter feeders. Also for plankton eating fishes. Rich in vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, and lipids. NET WT. 30g (1 oz)